The Director of WandaVision Matt Shakman at ComicBook.com announces that he has worked with John Watts and Sam Raimi, director of Tom Holland's Spider-Man 3 and Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness.
Director Matt said that:
There is conversation among filmmakers, which I think is great. I mean, we are all part of this interconnected universe. I admire the heck out of everybody who has worked in Marvel before and are working on Marvel things right now. It's not just the movies. It's also the other Disney+ shows that we're interacting with. Even if it's not about a formal overlap, we're working next door to each other.
He also reveals that "incredibly surprising" yet "totally inevitable" ending of Disney+ WandaVision series.
I think it's important for every successful movie or TV show to feel when you get to the end that it, the ending is incredibly surprising but also totally inevitable. If you don't do that, I don't think you've told your story well," he goes on. "And I think that's exactly what we're trying to do. That when you get to the end you are like, 'Wow.' But then you go, 'Ah.'
How much of the speculation was between WandaVision or Spider-Man 3 leading Dr Strange. Now, WandaVision to setup for Watt's third Spidey flick in MCU.