Marvel Black Widow tells about Taskmasters mission

Marvel Black Widow faces lot of problems with it release theatrical release date due to Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, it going to release on next year between this a special book name Black Widow: The Official reveals lot about Natasha life and his Missions.
Black Widow sits between the  “Captain America: Civil War” and “The Avengers: Infinity War” and will introduce Natasha’s first selected family to film fans. The late film will also feature a new villain in the form of Taskmaster.
The Details about Taskmaster given in book is Below:

“When she meets Taskmaster, she’s off her game. Initially, it seems to her that this is perhaps some part of the Sokovia Accords or maybe he has been sent to retrieve her by Secretary Ross. As soon as she starts to experience Taskmaster’s fighting style, she realizes that actually she’s not the target and that Taskmaster has a bigger target. She doesn’t know if this is someone from her past or a faceless foe.”

Although, Movie trailers show how taskmaster target black widow from his red room and his fight moves. It more interesting how Black Widow defeats him.
The Movie Black Widow is set to release  in theaters on May 7th, 2021.

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