Wonder woman 1984 : Gal Gadot New Look Reveals on Magazine Cover

Wonder woman 1984 delays multiples time due to Covid-19 pandemic,Between this A Brand new Gal Gadot look reveals on magazine cover from the Colombia-based Rolling Stones Twitter account .New cover for October 2020 was featuring Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman look.

Rolling Stone Columbia’s October cover features exclusive interview with Gal Gadot for her upcoming movies release Wonder Woman 1984, the magazine’s official Twitter page sharing the first cover features Gal Gadot and second cover reveals Gadot in Wonder Woman’s gold eagle look armor, standing with the Lasso of Truth in her hand as neon lights reflect off the suit.
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After Rolling Stone Columbia’s cover Diana princess aka Gal Gadot shared a Post reply to Rolling Stone
” Thank you”.
Full look of Gal Gadot and Wonder woman both magazine cover look gorgeous.

There is no doubt that fans are waiting for Dc Wonder woman 1984 movie for long . 
Wonder Woman 1984 is currently schedule for release in theaters on Christmas Day 2020.

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